We help businesses grow.

Services and Specialties

There have never been more opportunities for businesses to capitalise on the strengths of digital marketing and automation to grow and prosper. With its rapid enhancements and ever-changing features, it can be difficult to understand where or how to focus your efforts.

At DigiProfits, we help businesses grow by maximising the return on their investment – financially, practically and systematically. 

See our services below for further details or book a quick call to learn how we can help your business grow.

'Done-For-You' Campaigns

Don't waste any more time or money experimenting with your own DIY marketing. We create highly targetted advertising campaigns with 'magnetic' messaging to maximise your return on investment (using Facebook, Instagram, Google and YouTube).

Lead Generation

Leads and new enquiries are the lifeblood of your business. Our advanced systems and processes are designed to capture new leads and enquiries for you on 'auto-pilot' 24 hours a day, helping you grow your database, brand and customer base. Talk to us today to learn more.

Sales Funnels

Creating series of web pages (often called 'Landing Pages') specifically designed to capture leads, qualify interest and result in more sales. These pages have a clear 'call to action', strong benefit statements, value proposition and social proof.

Growth Strategy Consultation

Offering 'health checks' for your business and consultation on how to improve systems, processes and strategies to help you scale and grow.

Sales Coaching

Advice and feedback regarding effective (and ethical) sales skills, behaviours, and strategies to maximise conversion rates and achieve success.

Market Research

Collecting information to understand your customers and competitors to help pitch your service or product within the market.

Process Automation

Using online tools to automate your marketing and sales process to save you time and money. Book a quick call to find out more

Website Design

Having a website for your business helps create credibility and a positive impression - and allows you to market yourself online. We create simple business websites (like this one) which include features to maximise the chance of your audience engaging with you.

Client Re-engagement

In addition to focusing on new client acquisition, all businesses should have strategies in place to re-engage previous clients (and prospects). This does not need to be a demanding process. Book a quick call to find out how.

Let’s Talk!

Your first consultation is free!